La Nature Humaine

La Nature Humaine

Narcisse’s Diary s’est refait une beauté! Nouveau logo, nouvelle aventure!

En grandissant, ma mère m’a toujours enseigné qu’il fallait éviter de faire à son prochain ce que l’on n’aimerait pas qu’il nous fasse à son tour.

On ne peut exiger d’une personne respect et considération, si nous ne lui en donnons pas en retour.

On ne peut exiger d’être écouté, d’être compris, si on ne fait pas l’effort d’écouter et d’essayer de comprendre.

Une notion qui porte tout son sens, selon moi.

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Hello, beautiful people 💛


How have you all been?

How is 2019 treating you so far?

It’s been so long since I have last updated the blog with an article. I was at loss for inspiration, to be perfectly honest with you.

I kept writing, but nothing was ever finished, therefore, ever good enough to be posted.

This week, I am quite inspired. Inspired by my joy, my anger, my pain, my love, my happiness, and everything that makes me, me. So, many articles are on the way!

I generally write from my own experiences, so remember that I am never looking to be accurate, I’m looking to be relatable instead. Always.

I want people to feel like they could have been the ones writing these blog posts, I want them to understand the emotions I try to convey and to feel like they can be understood as well.

All of this to say that today’s topic was not written for any particular reason other than me wanting to share a piece of my heart.

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How To Succeed In Life?

How To Succeed In Life?

Hello, my dear readers!

How have you all been? I hope this week has been treating you very well, but if not, thank God it’s Friday, right?

With that being said, I have been working on this article for the past month (Narcisse, Professional Procrastinator at your service!) and finally had the courage to finish it yesterday! Yahoooooo!

Things have been pretty hectic since I started working full time, but I am learning a lot both professionally and about myself through this whole process.

For example, I know now that I am the type of person who prefers working in a group. Brainstorming and coming up with fresh or upgraded projects with my colleagues has been the best part of my job, so far.  The range of perspectives is so wide and refreshing to see! No idea is wrong, too far-fetched or not good enough, as long as you work on it to make it a viable one.

When you think that there is nothing more you could learn from anyone, that is when you are in the wrong. I keep learning through other people’s experiences and I love it!

Now, let’s jump right into the topic: How To Succeed In Life?

First of all, the question is way too broad to have one simple answer. Success is a very subjective notion. Simply because my idea of success might not be yours or the next person’s. We all have things we dream of accomplishing; things that will make us feel fulfilled and complete, and because we’re all so different as individuals, we tend to have different aspirations.

The real question to ask yourself is: what do you wish to accomplish that would make you happy to the point where you feel like you have succeeded in life?

Is it your career? A good love life? A particular family unit? A better mental state? etc. There are so many different life aspirations making one person focus on a thing someone else has no interest in. You can also have many different aspirations and goals, for sure.

I am writing this piece knowing that I haven’t accomplished all of my professional goals yet so some may think that I am not the most suited to tell them about what being successful means. Fair enough, there are far better examples out there.

On the other hand, I feel very accomplished on a personal and psychological level with the unit that has gathered around me ( family, friends, and close ones).

And I have been in contact with people of such different life and work lines that I was able to come to the conclusion that the best way to achieve any type of success is to strongly believe in your capacities to do so, work hard for it and NEVER give up halfway. Whatever it is.

Some people’s goals are purely work oriented. They want to climb up the ladder, leave a mark in their field of expertise and will feel fulfilled when that happens. Some just want to get a job that will allow them to be financially independent and stable.

You can find people who have more family oriented goals. They dream of improving or maintaining their family dynamics, with love, joy, respect, etc. Some others want to be the ones to build these types of units.

These are just a few examples, but there are tons of them out there.

It is always a long and hard process, that much I can admit, but eventually, with perseverance and consistency, you will get there. The advice I would give is to set some short-term goals leading to your bigger one.

For instance, if the road to a better mental state and a more positive life is the most prominent concern to you at the moment, set yourself short-term goals to achieve. Positive actions you could do to make the day, week, month a little better for yourself. Small things like reading a book, opening up to someone, treating yourself twice a month, and so on. These short-term goals will help you get to where you want to be. Slowly, but surely.

This is important because celebrating these small victories one by one will motivate you to continue and reassure you that you are on the right path.

Another very valuable factor is how you present yourself toward achieving your goal. Thinking negatively, being constantly pessimistic and doubtful will not take you very far. You will only be faced with more fears and obstacles of your own making. It is extremely important to be able to accept that it is not going to work out every time (whatever the goal is). You are going to fall head or butt first, but you are going to have to stand up again and keep going. And that’s ALRIGHT!


It is also crucial to be able to distinguish the reality you want to live from the conception you think you should be a part of (as a man, a woman, etc). Once again, people can have many aspirations at once, but it is imperative to always remain focused on the one dearest to your heart. Not only the one society has decided you should achieve to be considered successful.

Maybe this is not really what you want, and you are just trying to fit in the constructed norms of your peers. Break away from that.

To be honest there is no right or wrong formula when it comes to leading a successful life. Do it as you see fit, as long as it feels right for you, that it causes no harm to anyone, and that you work hard for it, then it is all that matters.

Start with listing your steps:

  • Set a long-term goal
  • Set some short-term goals
  • Be perseverant and consistent
  • Face and exceed your fears
  • Stay focused
  • Be patient
  • Believe in your capacities
  • DON’T give up
  • Accept to fall and always be ready to stand back up again

So, of course, I don’t have the answer as to how to succeed in life, but I am hopeful that these words will help you get a good start.

Basically, it all starts inside. Positivity attracts positive outcomes, I strongly believe that.

I hope this short article has helped you in any way possible, and if you have some comments about the content, do not hesitate to contact me. I am open to discussion and to share ideas.

Sending positive energy to everyone. Much, much love and have a great weekend!


Narcisse Xx


All photos’ credits to their original owners.



Music Heals Souls

Music Heals Souls

Hello, beautiful people!

I hope everyone is feeling good today, and better than yesterday!

I woke up this morning wanting to write a new article, but to be honest, I am not too inspired lately. I was looking for a nice topic for a new piece and while doing so, I was reminded that today was Michael Jackson’s birthday.

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