A Team

A Team

Hi everyone!

New week, New article, and SO MUCH NEW LOVE!

I have finally shared the Blog with you all and the love I have gotten has been REAL! All the fears and all the uncertainties seem so far away now. I am doing this because it makes me happy,

it helps me get through some tough times, and simply because I enjoy it, but to see people showing some real interest and enthusiasm… I didn’t think it would make me this glad.

Support systems are so important! When you care about someone and believe in his or her passion and craft, you make it so easy for his\her creativity to bloom! I’ve always had my girls for that, and I’ve made sure to be as supportive as one can be when it came to their dreams too.

I could feel that it meant a lot to them, but seeing them push me to share this Blog, not just because they’re my friends, but because they actually believe it is worthy made me realize how much it actually did. Because it means SO much to me.

It may not seem like it because I’m actually quite comfortable in my own skin, but I struggle with believing in my work sometimes. Throughout the years, I have posted so many short stories on websites, I have seen thousands of strangers reading and loving them, but I was still pretty insecure about sharing it with the people I knew… I still struggle with that part, but let’s do it one step at a time! Ha!

With all the feedback from the past day, you have all not only made me happy, but you’ve also inspired me to write more and more. That is honestly the best gift you could have given me.

I think what I’m trying to say is that never hold back when it comes to supporting someone you believe in because it could be the beginning of so much more than you can imagine. You could be helping them actually make a move they’ve been dying to make for years. You could be boosting their confidence up, and you could be making them believe in their talents and passions at a time when they need it most.

Give honest feedback when your friends ask for it, show them that you appreciate their work, that you truly believe in it. Most of all, even if you doubt it, don’t harshly break their spirits and instead help them find something you think they would be better at.

We can all make it by ourselves, but with some support, we can go so much farther.

I know it’s already Friday and motivational days are usually Monday’s, but I felt deeply about this message, so I just wanted to share it.

I usually just sit down and write, so sometimes it’s incoherent or it’s hard for me to get to the point I want to make, but I always get there somehow.

Anyways, thanks to my friends and my family for inspiring this one. May you always be happy!


Now go encourage, empower, and support!

Much love and Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim brothers and sisters!

Have a great weekend!

Narcisse xx


Disclaimer: The image is not mine. All credit is given to the owner.

6 réflexions sur “A Team

  1. Bon as always the crazy one has technical problems ahahahah. Beautiful post! You are doing amazing and your article his one as the others and the ones to come are helping more than you think. Keep going! Can’t wait to read the next article and you know we already got you!!! ❤️❤️🤗🤗

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